GRC is a kind of fiber concrete composite material with alkali-resistant glass fiber as the reinforcement material and cement mortar as the matrix material. GRC is a material that expresses the designer's imagination through mold modeling, texture, texture and color. During the production of Jinan GRC components by the manufacturer, the supervision unit and the project engineering department shall carry out process tracking inspection to ensure that the manufacturer works in accordance with the contract and specifications. The product materials shall meet the following requirements:
1. Cement: low alkalinity sulphoaluminate cement;
2. Aggregate: the silt content of sand shall not be greater than 1.0%, the large particle size of sand for spraying process shall be less than 1.2 mm, the large particle size of sand for pre-mixing or mesh plastering process shall be less than 2.4 mm, and the content of particles below 0.15 mm shall be less than 10%; The particle size of sand in the concrete for reinforcing ribs or filling cavities is not subject to this restriction; Sea sand is strictly prohibited.
3. GRC component products shall be manufactured according to the design drawings, and their appearance dimensions shall comply with the following table:
4. Physical performance requirements of components:
5. Key points of quality control of raw materials before and after delivery:
Signs indicating the manufacturer, trademark, product mark, production date and the words "No Collision" shall be fixed at the obvious position of the products.
Stacking: The stacking shall be classified according to the specifications and models. The stacking site shall be flat, dry and ventilated. The stacking height shall not exceed 1.8m, and the number of stacking layers shall not exceed four.
Loading, unloading and transportation:
When loading, unloading and handling products, they must be handled with care and must not be thrown. During transportation, it shall be firmly fixed to prevent shaking. If necessary, the product room shall be separated by straw mats. The product shall not exceed the length of the carriage.
The ex-factory certificate shall be submitted when the product leaves the factory, and its contents include:
1) Product marking and quantity;
2) Delivery inspection results;
3) Production date and ex-factory date;
4) Name and trademark of the manufacturer;
5) Signature and seal of the quality inspection department of the production unit.
GRC is mainly used in the field of architecture, for building facade decoration and exterior wall decoration of indoor space, and also for building decoration components and landscape sketches. So, if you have any need for this, please come to our website to leave a message and contact us at any time Do shopping!